Advent of Code 2022 has started. I usually try and solve most of it using Haskell. Some problems are more interesting than others, specially when they make it possible to contrast two or more techniques.
Day 1 is a straightforward parse-and-compute problem. I propose two solutions that exhibit two ways to think in a functional context: «lazy stream processing» and «synthetic parsing».
The Problem
We are given a dataset of unknown length, with the following
structure. The explicit newlines (\n
) are there to make
the explanation easier to follow.
The problem amounts to computing the sum for every group of
numbers. Part A wants the maximum sum, while Part B wants
the sum of the three top sums. For the example above, the
answer for Part A would be 24000
, while the answer for
Part B would be 45000
(24000 + 11000 + 10000
Main Program
The main program needs to do three things:
Read the data file as a
.Transform said
in such a way as to get ourInteger
result.partA :: String -> Integer partB :: String -> Integer
Print the result.
The main program executes on the IO
monad in order to interact
with the «Real World». We can take advantage of
readFile :: FilePath -> IO String
to read the whole file lazily, returning its contents
as a String
. Since IO
is also a Functor
, we can lift our
solution functions via <$>
so they compute the result inside
, and then simply bind to print
. Hence
= partA <$> readFile "input.txt" >>= print main
It’s a terse and idiomatic equivalent for
= do contents <- readFile "input.txt"
main print (partA contents)
Separating the common part
The solution functions have the signature
String -> Integer
and we immediately recognize that we need to find a maximum or the three maximum values, from a list of the partial sums. This suggests breaking the problem in two parts
totalPerGroup :: String -> [Integer]
findMaximum :: [Integer] -> Integer
addTopThree :: [Integer] -> Integer
Doing that, we can write our solutions as
= findMaximum . totalPerGroup
partA = addTopThree . totalPerGroup partB
Let’s assume totalPerGroup
exists. In that case
= maximum
partA . totalPerGroup
where maximum
comes from Haskell’s standard Prelude
, and
= sum
partB . take 3
. sortBy (flip compare)
. totalPerGroup
That is (from right to left), sort the list values from largest to smallest, take the first three, add them up.
There are two approaches for writing totalPerGroup
. Regardless
of the one we choose, it is clearly separated from IO
decoupled from the actual computation.
Reusability and composability, tools of the trade.
The Lazy Stream Processing approach
I argue that this approach is paramount to lazy functional programming:
Try and think about ways to transform the whole data value into the desired value, without worrying (too much) about its size. Break the transformation into composable «steps» and, more often than not, Haskell’s laziness will take care of doing things step-by-step for you.
Let’s implement
totalPerGroup :: String -> [Integer]
that way. By the way, I typically «build» this composition sequence
using Haskell’s REPL (ghci
), by adding steps and checking the
intermediate values, while «taking notes» in the actual program source.
That is, I started with
> f <- readFile "data.txt"
ghci> step1 f
ghci...look at the thing here...
> (step2 . step1) f
ghci...look at the thing here...
so on and so forth. I’ll just mention the functions and why they make sense.
For starters, we have a whole String
with all the file contents.
> contents <- readFile "data.txt"
ghci> contents
Haskell’s Prelude
provides the function
lines :: String -> [String]
that given a String
breaks it wherever there’s a \n
, producing
a list of all the lines. Therefore
> lines contents
ghci"1000","2000","3000","","4000","","5000","6000","",...] [
Notice how empty lines become ""
. If we can «group» the String
begore every ""
into their own lists, and drop the empty lines
to get
we’d be closer to our solution. Suppose we already wrote the function
groupNumbers :: [String] -> [[String]]
doing that grouping, so we can now write
> (groupNumbers . lines) contents
ghci"1000","2000","3000"],["4000"],["5000","6000"],...] [[
Notice how we have a list of lists. Consider any list at the second level, such as
we need to convert every «number looking String
» into an
actual Integer
, and then add them up. If we add type annotations,
and then make them into type signatures, we can use Haskell’s read
to parse the String
into Integer
, so
> map read ["1000","2000","3000"] :: [Integer]
[> sum $ map read ["1000","2000","3000"] :: Integer
So we need to apply
sum . map read :: Integer
to every second level list. This is the same as writing
> (map (sum . map read) . groupNumbers . lines) contents :: [Integer]
ghci6000,4000,11000,...] [
provided groupNumbers
We can now write
totalPerGroup :: String -> [Integer]
= map (sum . map read)
totalPerGroup . groupNumbers
. lines
and we only need to write groupNumbers
to solve our problem.
We know that groupNumbers
must have type
groupNumbers :: [String] -> [[String]]
and that we will be working with a list like
Let’s take advantage of break
provided by Haskell’s standard Prelude.
> break null contents
ghci"1000","2000","3000"],["","4000","","5000","6000","",...]) ([
The first element of the resulting tuple is precisely the first
group before the empty (null
) String
. The second tuple has the
rest of the original list, unprocessed. We can write groupNumbers
recursively by:
Saving the group as the head of a list.
Ignoring the empty strings at the beginning of the unprocessed rest.
Recursively applyting
to the resultof (2).Producing and empty list when there are no more groups.
groupNumbers :: [String] -> [[String]]
= []
groupNumbers [] = g : (groupNumbers . dropWhile null) bs
groupNumbers ns where (g,bs) = break null ns
Our solution is complete.
Due to Haskell’s lazy I/O (readFile
) and the way the solution
is structured, the program will read as many lines as needed
until it gets to an empty line, process that group and synthesize
its sum, before performing I/O again.
A reasonable trade-off given how high level the code is.
The Synthetic Parsing approach
We’ve written a solution structured in such a way that totalPerGroup
be replaced with any alternative way to transform the String
into [Integer]
with all partial sums. Let’s take advantage of that.
It can be argued that any function with type signature
String -> a
where a
is any structured type, can be tought as a parser.
Haskell’s parsec
module provides a set of parser combinators:
functions that can be composed to build production-grade recursive
descent parsers. There are functions providing parsers for «simple
things», and functions that combine parsers to build complex parsers.
The library provides a very simple Parser
monadic type that works
over String
and allows you to produce any synthetic type. Recall
the input is a String
, which is actually a [Char]
. I’ll add some
comments to the input, to highlight its structure:
1000\n <--- One or more group of digits...
2000\n <--- ...separated by a newline...
3000\n <--- ...ending in a newline, make a group!
\n <--+
4000\n | Groups separated by a newline!
\n <--+
Let’s try to write a parser
parseGroup :: Parser Integer
that collects all numbers in a group, adds them, and returns the result.
The construction is incremental («parser combinators») as follows,
using combinators already provided by Text.Parsec
, and the read
technique already discussed, taking advantage of Parser
being a
Each line shows a parser combinator or combination, the type signature showing its result, and a description as a comment in curly braces:
digit :: Parser Char
{ accepts one digit [0-9] }
many1 digit :: Parser [Char]
{ accepts one or more digits }
read <$> many1 digit :: Parser Integer
{ parses the string of digits into a proper Integer }
(read <$> many1 digit) `sepEndBy1` newline :: Parser [Integer]
{ collects a group separated and terminated by '\n' }
sum <$> ((read <$> many1 digit) `sepEndBy1` newline) :: Parser Integer
{ computes the sum for the group }
Thus, we end up writing
parseGroup :: Parser Integer
= sum <$> ((read <$> many1 digit) `sepEndBy1` newline) parseGroup
Since groups are separated by a newline, we collect them all with
parseAllGroups :: Parser [Integer]
= parseGroup `sepBy1` newline parseAllGroups
A parser in two lines of Haskell’s Parsec
. Try and do that in
your favorite language. I’ll wait.
Production-grade parsers can fail if the input is broken. Parsec
provides a «driver» function
parse :: Parser a -> SourceName -> String -> Either ParseError a
that we must use like so
"aoc d1" contents parse parseAllGroups
to apply parser parseAllGroups
to contents
. The "aoc d1"
is just
the name of the source, so parsing errors can be tagged. The result is
going to be provided as an Either
data value.
The input for Advent Of Code problems is always well-formed. This ensures we will never have parsing errors, with the result always being of the form
Right [Integer]
We can finally write our parser-based solution as
totalPerGroup :: String -> [Integer]
= case (parse parseAllGroups "aoc" cs) of
totalPerGroup cs Right is -> is
Left _e -> []
Again, this parser construction can be tested step by step on GHCi,
using parse
. That’s left as an exercise to the reader.
The parser solution is not only shorter but also slightly more efficient, as it will take each number at a time and carry a running sum per group, skipping the newlines used as punctuation.
If you’ve been trained and are a practitioner in the theory and practice of parsing and translation, the second solution is the first one that comes to mind. We tend to look for patterns such as the ones in the comments, know parsing combinators by heart, and are quick to build top-down parsers from the bottom-up (pun intended).
If you’ve left behind all the vices of imperative programming, and fully embraced the «value transformation» approach of functional programming, the first solution will resonate. You start thinking about pure partial transformations of the whole that take you step by step to the desired result. You already know about fusion and laziness, letting the compiler do its job of simplifying your code.
And regardless of your training, separating the «impure» parts (IO) from the «pure» parts (processing) first, to then decompose the processing into decoupled parts, is The Way to build software you can reason about in a sound logical way.