Advent of Code 2022 — Day 10

Posted on 2022-12-28 by Ernesto Hernández-Novich
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Emulators are fun! Even when they are unidimensional like in this challenge. The CPU has just one register, a cycle counter in lieu of a clock, and just two instructions. No jumps, no RAM, no I/O. Enough to power a pixel display, that also happens to be unidimensional.

But we still need to process the «assembly language» instructions and keep track of a changing state and side-effects. If pure functional programming is about forbidding side-effects, how can we manage this? Monads, Monoids, and polymorphism…

The Problem

A simplistic display device being driven by an even simpler CPU are described. The CPU is extremely simple:

  • It has a constant ticking rate, each step being a cycle.

  • It has a single integer register X, preloaded with a 1.

  • It has a noop instruction that takes one cycle to complete, doing nothing.

  • It has an addx V instruction that takes two cycles to complete, increasing the contents of register X by V at the end of the second cycle.

The input looks like

    addx 3\n
    addx -5\n

The general problem is to simulate the behavior of the CPU by «running» the instructions and keeping track of the cycles and changes to the X register.

The particular problem for Part A is to compute the product of the cycle number times the contents of register X on cycles 20, 60, 100, 140, 180 and 220, and add them up.

Main Program

The main program is pretty much the same as Day 1.

However, Part B turned out different, because it returned a multi-line String that needs to be presented using putStrLn instead of print.

Loading instructions

Simple lazy list parsing and a data type is all we need. Let’s start with an INST data type to model CPU instructions and a function to parse the corresponding String into a value of INST, i.e.

data INST = NOOP | ADDX Int
          deriving (Show,Eq)
toINST :: String -> INST
toINST "noop" = NOOP
toINST inst   = ADDX $ read $ snd $ tail <$> break (==' ') inst

As long as the instruction is on a line of its own without the newline, we can use toINST. The ADDX case is mildly interesting: breaking on the lone space will produce a tuple with both parts, and we fmap on the second one to remove the leading space, before extracting and reading as an Int.

Now, in order to get our arbitrarily long input into a [INST] we use lines to split the input getting rid of the newlines, and apply toINST to every element of the list.

loadProgram :: String -> [INST]
loadProgram = map toINST . lines

Modeling the CPU

The CPU can be modeled with a simple data type

data CPU = CPU { x :: Int
               , c :: Int
         deriving (Show)

and the initial state as a constant value

initialCPU :: CPU
initialCPU = CPU { x = 1
                 , c = 0

Modeling the machine

There are many ways to model an abstract virtual machine. The one I chose is aligned with what the problem statement requests, my intuition regarding what could’ve been asked for Part B, and my experience writing translators, interpreters, and compilers.

The way I saw it, the machine needed to:

  • Have a set of read-only «rules» — a data-driven way to trigger the «probe during this cycle» to compute the required products. Emphasis on read-only.

  • Have a way to collect results — each probe is going to produce a result, and I want to collect them all while interpreting. I did not want this collection to be «the result» of the emulation because it’s not. Emphasis in collect as we go.

  • Have a way to manage the changing CPU state — interpreting each instructions will require updating the cycle counter, maybe changing the contents of register X, and inspect them when probing at the required intervals. Emphasis in mutable state.

Enter the Monad

There are multiple definitions for what a Monad is, and that’s not as important as how to use them. For this particular problem, we want a Monad that is able to implicitly carry read-only reference data (an «environment») that we can query, an append-only storage (a «log») where we can add information as we go along, and a read-write piece of data (a «state») that we can manipulate. By implicitly I mean the shuffling around happens without needing to express it in code. That is, if we write

    do step1

each step could access environment, log, or state. Regardless of what is accessed, the environment, log, and state, are passed along from step1 to step2, and so on and so forth.

That way, we can write our code in «imperative fashion» thinking there is some «program state» being threaded as we go, when in reality is just pure values being passed around. This is the «programmable semicolon» interpretation of a Monad: when passing from step to step, the implicit semicolon has this «passing around» meaning. You can think of the triad (environment,log,state) being conveniently passed «on the side», hidden from view, but available to be used at any or all steps.

But we will not need I/O. Monads can be used for I/O but aren’t only for that, and in fact are way more flexible.

The RWS Monad

Haskell’s standard library already provides a Monad with the behavior we’re looking for. As a matter of fact, my modeling of the machine was intentional to show how this Monad can be useful.

import Control.Monad.RWS

The RWS Monad is a polymorphic type for a monadic computation producing results of any desired type. The computation implicitly carries along a read-only environment, a logging container, and a type for modeling state. Without going into details outside the scope of this article, it looks like this

type RWS r w s = ...

We just need to fill the proper types for read-only, write-log, and state types. It is customary to simplify complex monadic types using type aliases, so I wrote

type Machine w a = RWS Check w CPU a


  • Check is the type for the read-only environment. I used this for the actual cycles to probe on — more on it in a bit. When writing monadic code, function ask can be used to access the value stored provided on initial evaluation.

  • The second type has to be a Monoid. Part A requires adding numbers as we probe. Thinking that Part B would require saving things of a different type, I opted for a polymorphic w so I can choose the proper Monoid as long as my type signatures are correct. When writing monadic code, function tell can be used to append (as in Monoid.(<>)) to the running log.

  • The third type, CPU, is the one used for the mutable state. When writing monadic code, functions get and put can be used to read the current state and overwrite it, respectively.

The API for RWS provides more functions to handle each part of the implicit data being carried on. I avoided the fancy stuff sticking to the basic ones.

Monadic simulation

There are three parts to this simulation:

  1. How to keep track of (or tick) the cycle counter. For Part A it also means saving the probes at the required intervals. I expected Part B to want something different.

  2. How to perform a single CPU instruction.

  3. How to «bootstrap» the simulation — give initial environment and state, to then «run the assembler».

Part (3) is quite generic: it does not need to provide an initial log (because it is empty) so it can be made polymorphic on its type.

I decided to decouple (1) from (2) in order to make (2) generic in the same sense that (3) is generic. By not doing any logging during the CPU operations, but shifting that to the ticker. That way, only tick would need to know about the particulars of logging, with (2) and (3) not caring. That’s how general Monad programming can and should get — but you must write your function signatures!

I started with perform, to implement the CPU behavior.

perform :: Monoid w => Machine w () -> INST -> Machine w ()
perform tick NOOP     = tick
perform tick (ADDX v) = do tick
                           cpu <- get
                           put $ cpu { x = x cpu + v }

As per the definition:

  • NOOP does nothing and takes one tick.

  • ADDX v takes two ticks and updates register x by adding v to it. Notice the use of get to read the current state as a pure value, and then put to overwrite it with the updated value.

The signature is as interesting as it is important:

perform :: Monoid w => Machine w () -> INST -> Machine w ()
  • The restriction in order to use any Monoid.

  • The first argument is a monadic Machine carrying a log of some type w we don’t care about in this function, that does not produce a result — that would be the ticker.

  • The second argument is the single INST to perform.

  • This in turn is a monadic Machine carrying a log of the same type w we don’t care about and producing no result.

The next generic component is the simulate itself. This has to take care of «bootstrapping» the whole computation providing the initial read-only environment and state, and them process a full assembly program in order.

We already have initialCPU for our initial state, so we have to write initialCheck to provide instructions for the probing points. According to the problem description, the first probing event has to happen on cycle 20, and the rest every other 40 cycles, therefore

data Check = Check { first   :: Int
                   , modulus :: Int
initialCheck :: Check
initialCheck = Check 20 40

Now, for the bootstrapping, we look at RWS API and find two functions that can help

runRWS  :: RWS r w s a -> r -> s -> (a, s, w)
evalRWS :: RWS r w s a -> r -> s -> (a, w)

In both cases the first argument is the full monadic computation (not «a single step»), the second argument is the initial read-only environment, and the third argument is the initial state. The returned values are different: runRWS gives back the computation result, the final state, and the log; while evalRWS gives back the computation result, and the log.

We surely need the log. Our computations do not return anything useful (notice the () on the signatures) so that doesn’t make a difference. I did not know if Part B was going to ask anything about the final CPU state or not, so I chose runRWS and wrote

simulate :: Monoid w => Machine w () -> [INST] -> ((), CPU, w)
simulate tick is = runRWS (mapM_ (perform tick) is)

Again, the signature is explicit: first argument is the ticker, second argument is the [INST] to interpret, and the returning triplet will have no return value, the final CPU state, and the log, whatever it holds. And we want to use any Monoid that is convenient. Generic as it can be.

Recall the first argument to runRWS must be the «whole computation». We can use perform to simulate the behavior of one instruction. Since tick is abstracted as an argument, we can use (perform tick) to use the «appropriate» ticker when interpreting an instruction. We’d like to use (perform tick) over every instruction on our [INST], keeping the order from left to right and, more importantly, keeping the «implicit monadic flow» so environment, log, and state, are passed around.

And for that we use mapM_

mapM_ :: (Foldable t, Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> t a -> m ()

First, we notice that [] is a Foldable so we can t ~ [INST] to get

mapM_ :: (Monad m) => (INST -> m b) -> [INST] -> m ()

Next, we notice that according to simulate’s signature

tick :: Machine w ()


perform tick :: INST -> Machine w ()

and if we make b ~ () and m ~ Machine w, we get

mapM_ :: (INST -> Machine w ()) -> [INST] -> Machine w ()

which means:

  • We can pass (perform tick) as first argument to mapM_

  • We can pass our list of instructions as second argument.

  • It produces a combined monadic computation Machine w () suitable for bootstrapping with runRWS

And mapM_ is useful because it receives a list of individual monadic computations


and turns it into

    m0 >> m1 >> m2 >> m3 >> .. >> mN

which is equivalent to having written

    do m0

except you didn’t write it, but built it dynamically. Monadic actions are first-order values: they can be created, combined, and passed around, but they don’t «happen» until you bootstrap them. That’s part of what we mean by «programmable semicolon».

At this point, we have a generic simulator that only needs a particular ticker to run the assembly program. Here’s were use a specific Monoid to built our logs with minimal effort.

Solving Part A

Going back to the requirements for Part A, we are asked to probe the CPU status on cycles 20, 60, 100, 140, 180 and 220, multiply the value of register X and add them up. Notice how the first value is «odd», and the rest go in increments of 40 — that’s what initialCheck carries for easy reference.

We need to write a ticker to do the probing and adding as we go. Turns out there exists a Monoid named Sum a that’s able to automatically carry out additions every time we (<>). Therefore, we can use tell to provide a Sum, and the addition will be computed as we go. We write an explicit signature mentioning it

tickA :: Machine (Sum Int) ()
tickA = do cpu <- get
           let c' = succ (c cpu)
           chk <- ask
           when (check chk c') $ tell $ Sum $ x cpu * c'
           put $ cpu { c = c' }
          check :: Check -> Int -> Bool
          check ck cy =  cy == first ck
                      || (cy - first ck) `mod` modulus ck == 0

Now tickA explicitly mentions the use of Monoid Sum Int to automatically add numbers every time the code tells it to log. At the start of the cycle, we get the current CPU status and create a local variable to increment the cycle counter while we compute. We immediately ask for the read-only environment to have access to probing instructions. If the check confirms that we must probe within this cycle, we simply do the math and tell the Sum Monoid to do its thing. Finally, we put the CPU state with the updated cycle counter.

We can finally solve partA by running the simulator with this custom ticker. It will type-check, because we’re providing a concrete Monoid to work with.

partA :: String -> Int
partA input = getSum total 
  where (_,_,total) = simulate tickA (loadProgram input)

We ignore the computation result and the final state, grabbing the final log via pattern matching. The log is a value of type Sum, and its API provides a function getSum to get the actual value.

Solving Part B

The description of Part B turned out to be quite confusing at first. The provided example is helpful, but there’s room for improvement. I ended up understanding it this way:

  • The display actually has positions 1 to 240, grouped 40 a row.

  • The cycles go from 1 to 240.

  • When working on cycle n, if n mod 40 is in the range [x-1 .. x+1], we need to output a hash, otherwise we output a period.

  • To mimic the screen’s two dimensions, output a newline every 40 cycles.

We just need to provide a ticker for this particular problem. Using [String] works because [a] is a Monoid. The log is going to be short enough, so I won’t worry about (++) being expensive. We will create all the output on the log, and print it after the simulation has completed. This is different to doing interleaved I/O, which is possible but I chose not to use, in order to show a pure solution.

tickB :: Machine [String] ()
tickB = do cpu <- get
           if check (c cpu) (x cpu) then tell ["#"] else tell ["."]
           let c' = succ (c cpu)
           when (c' `mod` 40 == 0) $ tell ["\n"]
           put $ cpu { c = c' }
          check :: Int -> Int -> Bool
          check cy rX = (cy `mod` 40) `elem` [pred rX .. succ rX]

Now tickB explicitly mentions the use of Monoid [String] for the log. This means we need to tell using [String] for them to be appended as we go. At the start of the cycle we get the state of the CPU, and check if we need to log a hash or a period. We then increment the cycle counter in a local variable, and log a newline if we’ve reached the right edge of the «screen». Finally, we put the CPU state with the updated cycle counter.

We can finally solve partB by running the simulator with this custom ticker. It will type-check, because we’re providing a concrete Monoid to work with.

partB :: String -> String
partB input = concat ls
  where (_,_,ls) = simulate tickB (loadProgram input)

We ignore the computation result and the final state, grabbing the final log via pattern matching. The log is a value of type [String] so we simply concat into a long String that should be printed using putStrLn as mentioned when describing the main program.

ghci> readFile "input.txt" >>= putStrLn . partB


The Monad abstraction is very powerful. There’s more to Monads than the simple «oh, they are used for I/O». Since Monads model order-dependent computations in a generic and polymorphic way, they can be used and combined to build first-order pure computations that have «side effects» or «implicit effects», besides the actual results they produce.

I decided to use RWS to illustrate the ability to separate «the process» from «the specifics». This is a particularly useful way of structuring monadic computation that favors reusability and composability, in ways that are either impossible or prohibitively expensive in other programming languages.

Each of the RWS components can be used separately. That is, there exist separate Reader Monad, Writer Monad, and State Monad that can be used individually when you need only one of the behaviors. There are many other data types that can act as Monad, such as Maybe, Either and [a], to model computations that can fail, produce an exception, or be predictably non-deterministic. There are Monads for parallelism, parsing, continuation-passing style, Prolog-style backtracking, and Software Transactional Concurrency.

Every single flow-control strategy can be modeled as a Monad. Haskell gives you the opportunity to choose which strategy to use, and to combine more than one using the Monad Transforming technique. On top of that, you can write generic code with replaceable parts — this example scratches the surface by keeping the Monoid generic, so I can abstract the particular away from the general.

On the topic of Monoid, knowing about Sum and Product is a matter of consulting the API. I used [a] as a cheap Monoid for accumulating. For production-grade code I’d use Data.Seq instead.

As a final comment, I used «log» in the sense of in-memory record. If you are thinking about doing actual application logging, the Writer Monad is not the way. Guess what, there’s a LoggingT Monad specifically designed for logging to stderr or stdout, and for people doing serious syslog logging, check out monad-logger-syslog. They abstract the logging out of the explicit I/O operations in a general way.