If the problem say «find the cheapest/fastest/shortest path» from here to there, the answer it’s Dijkstra’s Algorithm. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or selling something.
The usual trick is turning your input into a graph, in order to run Dijkstra on it. The real trick is using Dijkstra without an actual Graph. Let me ‘splain’…
The Problem
There’s a two-dimensional elevation map. Each position
holds a single lowercase character representing the
elevation, with a
being the lowest and z
being the
highest. There’s a starting point holding an S
having the same height as an a
. There’s a destination
point holding with an E
, having the same height as a z
Both S
and E
could be anywhere in the grid.
The sample input looks like this
You can move horizontally or vertically, one step at a time.
You can move from any position to a neighboring one having
altitude equal or at most one level higher, e.g. if you’re
currently on a position having elevation c
, you can move
to any neighboring c
or d
, but not to e
or higher.
You can move from any position to a neighboring one having
any altitude less than the current one, with no limitations,
e.g. if you’re currently on a position having elevation h
you can move to any neighboring position with any elevation
from h
to a
Starting from S
, the goal is to reach E
in as few
steps as possible. That’s as obvious an application of
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
can get.
Main Program
The main program is pretty much the same as Day 1.
Parsing the elevation map
Solving Day 8
included a trick to load a two-dimensional Array
needing to know the number of rows or columns, as long
as all rows have the same length. I will use the same
trick again, without describing it.
First, we parse a row of letters. I’m not checking to
see if they’re only lowercase letters, or 'S'
, or 'E'
because we assume the input is correct.
parseRow :: Parser [Char]
= many1 (satisfy isLetter) parseRow
Second, we parse a matrix a row at a time, producing
a list of tuples denoting positions (Int,Int)
and the Char
stored there.
parseMatrix :: Int -> Parser [((Int,Int),Char)]
= (eof >> pure [])
parseMatrix r <|> do cs <- parseRow <* newline
<- parseMatrix (succ r)
rs pure $ zip (zip (repeat r) [0..]) cs ++ rs
The only trick worth nothing is dealing with the special 'S'
and 'E'
in the input, as they could appear anywhere. One
way of doing that is by embedding the search with the Parser
maybe using state, and save the coordinates when we find
them. I opted for a simpler solution because the array is
not that big, and it needs to be read in full anyway:
look for the starting position after loading the full list.
API’s main function is
array :: Ix i => (i, i) -> [(i, e)] -> Array i e
The second argument holds the list of pairs with indexes
and elements to place, precisely what parseMatrix
The documentation mentions that in case of multiple tuples
with the same coordinate, the last one in the list will
be the one going into the array.
The trick is quite simple:
Load everything using
Find the coordinates for the position holding the
and save it.Pass everything to
and add a new'a'
with the coordinates saved in step (2), so it ends up overwriting the original one.
This design decision came while solving Part A, and it worked.
For Part B, we are asked to find the shortest path starting
from any of the positions having an 'a'
. This did not change the
trick much: instead of returning a single starting point,
return a list of starting points. In the interest of brevity,
I present the final version for the top-level parsing function implementing the latter.
loadMatrix :: String -> (Array (Int,Int) Char, [(Int,Int)])
loadMatrix input case parse (parseMatrix 0) "loadMatrix" input of
Left _e -> undefined
Right l -> (array',start:allOtherAs)
= head $ filter ((=='S').snd) l
(start,_) = map fst $ filter ((=='a').snd) l
allOtherAs = array ((0,0),maximum $ map fst l)
array' ++ [(start,'a')]) (l
Graph-less Dijkstra
Dijkstra’s Algorithm requires a set of nodes and the weighted edges connecting them. In our case, each position is a node, the edges are the valid steps from one position to another, and all have the same unit weight («one step», duh).
At this point, one tries to transform the Array
into a graph
data structure, such as Haskell’s Data.Graph
, and then
use either a library implementation of Dijkstra’s Algorithm,
or choose a language with better libraries. You do not
implement Dijkstra’s Algorithm unless doing homework or
being punished for your (or your manager’s) poor selection
of programming languages.
I won’t be implementing Dijkstra’s Algorithm in Haskell. As a matter of fact, I won’t be loading the data into a graph at all. There’s already a Haskell implementation in the form of a higher order function that is able to navigate the graph implicitly without it needing to exist as a data structure.
There will never be a need.
Graph Searching Algorithms
Module search-algorithms provides efficient implementations for BFS, DFS, Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and A*. Arguably the most frequently used Graph Searching algorithms. It provides both pure implementations, but also Monad-embeddable versions as well — this means you can use them as standalone functions, as I will, or within the context of any given Monad that makes sense for your complex computation.
On top of that, the implementations are written as higher order functions: the graph does not need to exist explicitly as a data structure, it will be explored implicitly. This makes the implementations as general as they can be, because you can use them with or without explicit graphs, as long as you feed them the helper functions they need.
So, to use the pure graph-less Dijkstra implementation
import Algorithm.Search ( dijkstra )
and let’s figure out how to feed the helper functions. The signature is as follows. Comments are mine to make the explanation easier.
dijkstra :: (Foldable f, Num cost, Ord cost, Ord state)
=> (state -> f state) -- Successors
-> (state -> state -> cost) -- Cost of step
-> (state -> Bool) -- Are we there yet?
-> state -- Initial state
-> Maybe (cost,[state])
As mentioned before, each position in our array would correspond
to a state in the graph. We can substitute state ~ (Int,Int)
tuples have Ord
instances, satisfying the restriction.
dijkstra :: (Foldable f, Num cost, Ord cost)
=> ((Int,Int) -> f (Int,Int)) -- Successors
-> ((Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> cost) -- Cost of step
-> ((Int,Int) -> Bool) -- Are we there yet?
-> (Int,Int) -- Initial state
-> Maybe (cost,[(Int,Int)])
The fourth argument is just the initial state. We get that
out of our parsing, so it’s a matter of passing it to dijkstra
The second argument is a function that return the cost
of moving between two particular states. For our problem,
the cost is always one. For starters, we can make cost ~ Int
dijkstra :: (Foldable f)
=> ((Int,Int) -> f (Int,Int)) -- Successors
-> ((Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Int) -- Cost of step
-> ((Int,Int) -> Bool) -- Are we there yet?
-> (Int,Int) -- Initial state
-> Maybe (Int,[(Int,Int)])
and since every step costs 1, it follows we can use
(\_ _ -> 1)
as second argument. We can also write it as
(const $ const 1)
which is fancier and longer to type.
The third argument is a function that, given a state, decides
if the search has reached its target state. Let’s say we have
loaded our input into an array mx
; we can check if a state
is the final state with
(\s -> mx ! s == 'E')
Finally, the first argument is a function that, given a state,
produces all valid successors in a Foldable
of our choice.
Since we don’t need anything particularly fancy for this
problem, let’s make f ~ [a]
to have
dijkstra :: ((Int,Int) -> [(Int,Int)]) -- Successors
-> ((Int,Int) -> (Int,Int) -> Int) -- Cost of step
-> ((Int,Int) -> Bool) -- Are we there yet?
-> (Int,Int) -- Initial state
-> Maybe (Int,[(Int,Int)])
and now the signature for the first argument is complete:
given a particular state, we need to produce a list of
all successors that are valid given the rules of the particular
graph. Since our elevation map is stored in an Array
, we write
a function that will receive the array as it first argument,
and thanks to currying will fit nicely as successor generator.
viableNeighbors :: Array (Int,Int) Char
-> (Int,Int)
-> [(Int,Int)]
viableNeighbors arr (r,c) | (r',c') <- [ (r - 1, c)
[ (r',c') - 1)
, (r, c + 1)
, (r, c + 1, c)
, (r
]`inRange` r'
, (minR,maxR) `inRange` c'
, (minC,maxC) ! (r,c) >= arr ! (r',c') ||
, arr ! (r,c) == pred (arr ! (r',c')) ||
arr ! (r,c) `elem` ['y','z'] && arr ! (r',c') == 'E'
= bounds arr ((minR,minC),(maxR,maxC))
A list comprehension is the cheapest cleanest way to generate the four viable successors from a particular position:
The generator computes the positions up, left, right, and down of the given one.
The first two guards keep only those within the bounds of the array.
The last guard verifies the movement is to climb zero or one above, or any amount below, or the border case to reach the
Solving Part A
Part A asks what’s the number of steps (the cost) of the cheapest
path from the start node S
to the target node E
. Using dijkstra
and all the auxiliary functions, we write
partA :: String -> Int
= fromJust $ fst <$> dijkstra (viableNeighbors mx)
partA input -> 1)
(\_ _ -> mx ! s == 'E')
:_) = loadMatrix input (mx,start
As discussed before loadMatrix
not only loads the data into the
array mx
, but also figures out the list of possible starting
positions. For Part A, we’re only interested in the original
one that had the 'S'
which is conveniently returned first in the
list of possibilities.
With the appropriate arguments in place dijkstra
will try and
find the cheapest path from the start
ing position to the
desired destination. The return value is a tuple holding the
cost and the actual path, wrapped in a Maybe
. On account of
the input being assumed correct, we are sure there will be
a tuple wrapped in a Just
, so we fmap
over it to extract
the cost, and them remove the Just
wrapper to get the result.
Solving Part B
Part B asked to find the cheapest path considering
all positions holding 'a'
as possible starting
positions. It was at that point that I quickly refactored
to return a list of all the possible starting states
and adjusted partA
to use only the first element.
The solution for Part B is essentially the same, with a convenient tweak.
partB :: String -> Int
= minimum
partB input $ map fst
$ mapMaybe (dijkstra (viableNeighbors mx)
-> 1)
(\_ _ -> mx ! s == 'E')
= loadMatrix input (mx,allStarts)
We want to apply dijkstra
to every element of the list of
possible starting positions allStarts
built by loadMatrix
That sounds like a map
. But each answer from dijstra
be a Maybe
so we’d need to extract each result. Function mapMaybe
from Data.Maybe
is quite convenient
mapMaybe :: (a -> Maybe b) -> [a] -> [b]
because it map
s a function returning Maybe
over a list,
and does the unwrapping as well. We extract (fst
) the costs
from all the paths found, and compute the minimum
As mentioned on Day 9 there are cues for selecting data structures and algorithms. This challenge screams Dijkstra’s Algorithm, and it’s just a matter of using it. If you did not know about algorithms, I encourage you to get a book on Algorithms & Data Structures and read about the many algorithms already proven to be the best for particular problems.
Graph searching is a fundamental skill for programmers. You must know when and how to use BFS, DFS, Dijkstra, A* and a few others. More importantly, you need to choose a language that has decent library support so you don’t need to write these algorithms by hand. These algorithms have applications in game development, robotics, generalized parsing, and other areas of planning and relation analysis.
I made a point of not building an explicit graph. It would’ve
meant re-processing the Array
into a Data.Graph
structure. It’s
not hard, but and extra step that results in a data structure
that requires slightly more memory. That’s not so bad for this
tiny graph, but still.
Some times graphs are so big that they are impractical to reify as a data structure in memory. But they are easy to represent as a relation from states to successors. As a matter of fact, there are problems that can be modeled as globally infinite graphs (as in infinite number of nodes and edges) that are locally finite (as in every node has a finite number of successors). You cannot model them in-memory, but you can model them as functions: generate successors for a node, check if a node is the target, and so on.
Having a Dijkstra implementation that works on explicit finite graphs is great. Having an implementation that works on implicit graphs is better, because it can handle both. In a functional setting, a polymorphic higher-order implementation is the right way to go.